Thursday, May 22, 2014

The 5 People You Meet In Heaven Blog

Today in World Lit class, I presented a PowerPoint project on the book, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven". It was 10 slides and each slide could only be 15 seconds. At first I thought this would be hard to do, but when I presented in front of my class, it was over before I knew it. I was actually kind of disappointed when I realized it was over already. I felt like there was soo much more for me to say. The objective of the project was to persuade my classmates to read to book as well, and I very well may have done that. But there's so much more to this book than I was able to say to my class. 
I can honestly say that I am not a fan of reading, but this book was different. I saw my friend reading it one day and something just made me interested in the book. I asked her if I could read it when she was done and less than 3 days later, I had finished it. This book is so interesting and addictive. It makes you think. It makes you think about what will happen next, what has already happened, and most importantly, it'll make you think about your own life. I know I did. I think the main focus of the story is to encourage people to live every day to the fullest and understand that no matter what happens it life, it happens a for a reason. 
I would hate to spoil the book for anyone that wants to read it in the future! So I would encourage any reader to check out this book and I promise you won't be disappointed! 

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