Monday, January 13, 2014


Since I was young, I've always enjoyed the story of Frankenstein. Although I didn't know it too well, I liked what I thought I knew! A big greenish monster that terrorizes cities and puts everyone in fear, yet it's all a misunderstanding. The monster is just looking for some companionship and love. This is something we can all relate to, which can even turn us into monsters of our own once in awhile! After reading the book by Mary Shelley over the summer, I got a better understanding of the full story and a learned a lot about this classic story. 

I recently went to the movies and saw a preview of the new movie, called "Frankenstein" of course. I immediately turned to my friend beside me and said "We have to see that!". Of course, Alex being Alex, she gave me a very firm "No." Well that's alright with me, she can stay home because I plan on seeing the new movie! It looks action packed and very thrilling with tons of interesting creatures. I am eager to see if this new version closely relates to the older, original films of Frankenstein, the book that we recently read for school or maybe it will be all new with twists of it's own! I suppose there is only one way to find out and that is to go see the movie! Hopefully there is some explanation as to why they continue to call the monster Frankenstein when clearly that is the doctor's name, not the monster's! Anyway, I am still excited to see how the new movie plays out and I can't wait to see it and compare to what I already know! 

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